
Sunday, May 18, 2014

Welcome to CHQuilts

For the past 15 years, I have been traveling a path that began with a historical interest, inspired by a creative journey, that has led to an endless joy filled with bright colors, warm feelings, and soulful peace. I am a quilter.

Quilting, whether it by by hand or machine, is unique to its creator. Quilting is a diverse activity that utilizes differing skills, from creativity of design to mastering precision techniques. I love every aspect of the quilting process, from choosing a design, deciding on colors, and finally picking out fabrics to fulfill an intended desire. Because I consider myself a newbie, with just a few dozen completed projects, I am still often surprised along the way.

The one thing that has never ceased to amaze me is a consistency to learn new things. Quilting is fun; it is work; it is talent; it is skill; it is therapy. Any degree of any of those is acceptable. A completed quilt is a wonder. I've never seen a quilt that didn't conjure up good feelings and warm thoughts. Every quilt I make is intensely personal.

Please join me on a journey of discovery that has surprised and enlightened, encouraged and engaged. Whether reading about my journey or sharing your own, I hope CHQuilts will be a place for inspiration.

Follow CHQuilts into the delicious world of quilting.